
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Our Second Sweet Blessing

Well hello everyone!  I have been away far too long from this blog, but I have been busy having this precious little girl you see above.  :)  Sarah Noelle Kallam was born at 1:50 a.m. on January 14th, weighing 8 lbs, 3 oz, and measuring 19" long.

Overall, I can easily say that my labor and delivery this time around was much less traumatizing.  I prayed very specifically about things that I wanted to go differently this time, and God was merciful in answering those prayers the way I'd hoped for.  While Sarah did arrive 4 days past her due date (only half as bad as her 8-day overdue big sister), at least she came on her own and my fears pertaining to getting induced again were put to rest.  I had a wonderful team of professionals taking care of me, and was blessed again to have my husband on one side of me and my mom on the other.  :)  When this beautiful little girl was placed on my chest, I felt an overwhelming joy as I did with Emily.

*Fun Facts*
-I got to help pull Sarah out myself!  It was an awesome experience!
-Sarah was almost born still in the amniotic sac.  My water never broke, and my midwife was ok with the baby coming out still in the sac (she said it was a sign of life-long good luck).  As Sarah's head got closer, the sac did rupture, but NOT before it first looked like a balloon was being blown up out of me!  lol.
-Sarah was born with 1 tooth already beginning to emerge and the tooth beside it not far behind.  It took Emily 7 months or so to get 1 tooth, and Sarah is born with one?!  Are you kidding me??  So not only are we dealing with a newborn, but we are dealing with a teething newborn.  Lord help us...

Look at that peaceful, sleeping angel.  It almost makes me laugh, considering how opposite of that she was last night, and most nights before.  Jordan and I are back into the reality of what life is like when you have a newborn.  Hopefully we can get back into a good routine sometime soon, but that's probably just wishful thinking.  Emily has adjusted just fine and loves her baby sister!  She enjoys giving her kisses all the time, and always points and says "Sis!" when she sees her.  I can't wait to see the beautiful friendship and sisterly bond that my two girls will form over the years.

I love you Sarah, and you are definitely the best "surprise" Daddy and I have ever been given.  :)  God must have a special plan for your life, little one!  Welcome to the family!