
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Emily - 5 Months

My baby girl is 5 months old today!  And just look at ya -

You have grown soooo much!

This morning, I tried to get a cute photo of you at the bowling alley...

You were not impressed.  And then...

You got so tired from your morning of fun that you ended up passing out right there on the bowling alley couch.

You sure give us a lot of smiles, laughs, and wonderful memories!

This month you:

Had your first Valentine's Day  <3
Made your first craft - footprint heart Valentine cards for your family
Started shrieking at the top of your lungs, making funny lip noises, and breathing in & out really hard when you get excited.
Improved your motor & coordination skills - you are now able to reach out and pull musical toys.
Got sick for the first time with an upper respiratory infection.  :'(   But you were still happy and we wouldn't have even known you were sick were it not for the sound of congestion I heard when you breathed.
Pulled my hair allllll the time - OUCH!  (and sometimes my earrings, too!)
Saw a BLIZZARD!  The last snow you felt/saw was tiny compared to this one.  Of course you're still little and you were also sick, so I didn't take you out in the snow, but I let you look outside at it from the open door while you were bundled up.  : )
Started sleeping face down with your little booty straight up in the air.  I sing to you "Booty in the sky, booty in the sky"  haha
Became BFF's with Katie - you reach out for her when she's near, pet her fur, and touch her wet nose.  She loves to lick your hands and feet, which always makes you smile and giggle.
Became more attached to me - there was one time you started crying when someone else held you because you wanted me to hold you.
Cry when we lay you down upstairs in the early evening - but when I show you a diaper and tell you it's only to change your diaper, you smile really big and stop are so smart!!
Started getting a bit...uhhh...bigger...haha.  You used to only wear clothes that were true to your size until this month.
Started blowing raspberries on my neck and arms!  heehee

I love you so much, my sweet Emmy Grace!   Can't wait to see what next month brings!
Love, Mommy

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