
Friday, December 19, 2014

Emily is 2!!

It's official - I now have a 2 year old!!  Well, I had one over 2 months ago....WHOOPS!  Sorry Emmy girl... I actually wrote this blog right on your 2nd birthday, but was waiting on your 2-yr old pics to add to it....and then we got them....and time ran away from me, lol.  It may be late, but it is still very accurate!

Anyway, how did this 2-year old thing ever happen?!

Things you Love:

Fig newtons
Playing outside
Building blocks
Lilo & Stitch (you ask to watch it almost every night)
Drawing on your Magna Doodle
Hugs, kisses, and backrubs
Sheriff Callie's Wild West
Taking bubble baths
Climbing in mommy & daddy's bed and pretending to go to sleep
Singing in your microphone
Playing your harmonica
Green beans
Riding horses
Playing with friends
Curious George
Doc McStuffins
Helping Mommy with chores like unloading the dishwasher, feeding Katie, and throwing trash away
Sleeping with 2 blankets, a pillow, and at least 4 stuffed animals
Tickle games
The Lion King
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Your family
Playing peek-a-boo with Grandma around the kitchen island on Skype, and talking to "Elmo" aka Grandpa on Skype  ;)  He has you sooo fooled, haha 
Having pink (and only pink) toenails
Pretending like you are drinking coffee
Helping to cook or prepare food
Making your sister laugh
Putting money in your piggy bank after doing your chores

Things you dislike:

Sitting still
Getting lotion put on you (you always say "Ouch!!", lol)
Daddy's singing (you always tell him to "shhh!")
Sissy running into your feet with her walker
Not getting 'your way'

Since you were a baby, I have always called you my angel...and I really mean that.  You are the sweetest angel that I am blessed enough to call my daughter.  I love your loving nature and your hilarious antics.  You like to tell people to excuse themselves when they sneeze, cough, or yawn, lol.  And don't even get me started on your dancing...let Ella the Elephant or some other song with a nice beat come on, and you start twisting and shaking that little booty from side to side with all your might.  You almost always have perfect rhythm and a great expression on your face.  You are so beautiful, special, and smart.  You can count to 11, label pretty much anything, sing songs word for word and on key, name some shapes, name some colors, and make awesome attempts at writing letters.  You have pretty much memorized your bible verse that hangs in your room (Joshua 1:9) and enjoy reciting it, as well as praying out loud along with others as they pray.  You are improving in physical therapy and enjoy going there to work with your "Chelle" and Mrs. Emily.  :)  You genuinely care about others when they are upset, and you always try to fix it with a hug, kiss, or kind word and your hand against their cheek.  I could go on and on about you, sure are one AMAZING, precious little girl.  I want to do my best to make each year as special and wonderful for you and your sister as I possibly can, because you girls deserve the best.

I love you SO MUCH, Emily Grace Kallam!!!! You will always be my first baby, my Emmy, my Gracie girl, my Emilina, and my Lina.....yup, I just put allll your nicknames out there, haha.  Well, I'm going to end this blog now.  I plan to write one for you on each birthday you have, so that you can read about all yourself at that age when you are older.  I hope that you will love reading them as much as I love writing them.  :)  I love you, precious girl!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sarah - 11 Months

Sarah-Barah!!  This is your very last month before turning 1 year old.  Yikes!

This picture perfectly exemplifies your little personality.  ;)  So full of joy and life! 

And here you are, 2 seconds later....still being adorable!

This past month you:

Went from having 2 teeth to having 6 teeth!!  Whoa baby! (Notice you are proudly displaying them in the pictures above).  
Started refusing to eat baby food...actually pushing it away with your little hands.  You want the good stuff only!  :)
Had your first Thanksgiving
Got caught chewing on a piece of Katie's dog food...yuck!!
Missed your Daddy a bunch, because he went on a TDY to Las Vegas
Got croup  :(   It was so pitiful, but you got much better once you went to the doctor
Started snorting when you laughed.....uh-oh....I may be to blame for that one.  Mommy snorted a lot when she was younger, heehee
Got into a bad habit of purposely head-butting me....all.the.time.  Not cool, baby.
Had your very first little pedicure on those teeny-tiny toes!! You got hot pink polish to match Mommy and big sis.

This is you when you found out that you were 11 months old today:

You just realllllly think you're something, huh?  ;)   I love you so much, baby girl!  You're the sweetest Sissy around!  I am hoping this month won't go by too fast....because when it does, I will have a 2 year old AND a 1 year old!!!  Whoa!

~Love, your Mommy